Did you know that every flower on the planet has a specific healing quality?
Need sleep?
We’ve got flower remedies to relax your muscles, quiet your monkey mind and help you sleep deeply.
Want love?
Choose flowers that attract love, restore a radiant glow to your face, and help you nurture and nourish yourself.
Feeling tired or overwhelmed?
We have botanical remedies to charge your lifeforce and give you a sense of deep support.
For every modern imbalance, there's a flower.
We hand-collect flowers from around the world, bottle up their healing qualities & infuse them into aromatic mists & anointing oils. Flower remedies are a fast & effortless way to take the edge off life & come back to balance.

What are flower remedies?
Flower remedies are liquid infusions of the life-force or bioenergetic imprint of flowers.
As the perfect encapsulation of the quality of a flower, flower remedies can be taken internally, as elixirs, or applied topically, shifting your mood within minutes.

Combined with aromatherapy.
Our mists and anointing oils, applied topically, are infused with the life-force of fresh flowers, in addition to botanical essential oils, giving them unique and complex aromatherapeutic profiles.
If you could see the aura of a flower ... this is the life-force that we collect into a flower essence.
We bottle this energy up into a luxurious form you can use in your everyday life.
Within moments, it cleanses and expands your aura—and you feel the difference.

My name is Katie Hess & I'm the founder of LOTUSWEI.
I've been working with flower remedies for over two decades. I’ve heard countless stories of regular users of flower essences who can:
Sleep better
Face their fears
Break patterns of unhealthy relationships
Find the partner of their dreams
Feel happier & more fulfilled
Attain long-awaited promotions
Run their businesses with wilder success
Become more courageous & powerful

I’ve also witnessed the surprisingly rapid ability of flower essences to heal collective division and individual heartache from the last few years of global disturbance.
See how flower remedies have impacted an entire family unit:

We live in a fast-paced world & we don't spend enough time in nature.
In this modern age, we're glued to our smartphones & computers. Over a third of us have trouble sleeping every single night. Stress is at an all-time high.
Wifi signals & cell phone towers are sending unprecedented levels of electromagnetic activity coursing through our bodies, every minute.
We don’t spend enough time in nature to rebalance all of that.

Flower elixirs bring the healing power of nature ~ inside of us.
Even when you’re sitting at your computer, stuck in an elevator, riding the train, under fluorescent lights, as far removed from nature as you can be - you can experience the same feeling in your body and mind as if you spent a week in the forest.
Think: forest bathing in a bottle.

If just 3% of the world's population uses flower essences, it'll create enough of a ripple effect to change the outcome of our future.

After using flower essences for a short time, you’ll start to see this ripple effect in your life - with your family, friends and others close to you.
Even if only you work with the flower essences, you’ll see your loved ones begin to behave differently as well!

Why? Because you act as a beacon of flower & light frequencies, directly from Mother Nature.
With regular use of flower essences, you have less static, less edginess, less irritation, and more love, more clarity, more freedom and more amplification of your own inner wisdom and true nature.