Can I take multiple flower essences at a time?
We get asked this question a lot, and the short answer is: Absolutely!
The great thing is that flower essences work together synergistically to target your current state of being from all directions!
You might be wondering if you can take multiple together because:
- You feel like you just need ALL THE FLOWER ELIXIRS because every single one you read about resonates with you.
- Or maybe you’ve bought a few and aren’t sure if you should be taking them all at once, or if it’s better to do one at a time.
This is a common curiosity, and as much as I wish there was one answer for everyone, there just isn't!
We’re all different and constantlyyyy changing.
Some of us might love using 5 at once, while others only want to work with one flower consecutively for 3 months. Even our personal preferences will shift over time! And that’s totally ok!
The best way I can answer this question is by sharing how I've seen other people work with the elixirs, and how I use the elixirs myself.
When you take the flower quiz on our website, you will typically get recommended three different remedies to work with. Personally, I am working with anywhere between 3-8 different remedies at one time.
When I first started working with flower essences in 1999, I was only giving people a few flower essences, or one bottle. But I find that either times have changed, or the human body & energetics have changed, because the trend we are currently seeing is that people will work with several different remedies at a time to support themselves in this crazy modern world we’re living in!
There are so many external influences that are affecting our energetic bodies, and we simply might just need more energetic support! Or, as human beings, we’re ready for more rapid, accelerated personal growth! Or perhaps, a little of both! ; )
If you are wanting to take multiple blends at a time it can be handy and useful to keep a journal (or leave notes in your phone) to track your journey. That way you can go back and link your thoughts and feelings to the specific blend you were taking!

If you want to hone in on a particular pattern or feeling you are experiencing and want to target the results from a flower elixir, you may decide it to be best to take one flower essence at a time. In this way, it can be a lot easier to track your results specific to that elixir.
I know a woman who has been an herbalist for many years. She's the type of herbalist who will explore the medicinal healing qualities of plants by working with them one at at time. She took Infinite Love for 6 months straight to target a deep-seated pattern that she really wanted to dissolve.
There’s tremendous merit to just taking one and working with it until you feel like you’ve fully received the benefits and teachings of the flowers. When you only take one formula consistently for three or four weeks, you become deeply familiar with what the flowers are doing in your life and can pinpoint the direct results.
If you want to commit to taking just one elixir at least five times daily, you can always add other mists, oils, etc. to your routine as needed.
Please note: whatever strategy you take, it is really important to finish what you start. Rather than just taking a little bit here and there for several months, if you start a bottle, finish it. You won’t realize the full benefit of an elixir if you aren’t consistently taking it 5 times throughout the day for a month or so.
At the end of the day, the best thing to do is to listen to your body! Your body intuitively knows what it needs, so whatever you are feeling drawn to is worth paying attention to when deciding what to take!
Love + flower petals,