Do you feel tired or oversaturated with foreign energies in your field?
Clear negative or foreign energies.
Nourish and revitalize WeiQi protective energy layer in energy field.
Re-establish healthy boundaries in the subtle bodies.
Sacred Body harmonizes the subtle energetic bodies in such a way that it benefits the physical body as well. Infused with 9 special flower elixirs to stabilize the complex spectrum of your electromagnetic field, giving your beautiful, sacred body the support it needs.
These are the 9 flower essences found in Sacred Body:
ACTIVATE: Fearless equipoise
MESSAGE: Experience your self-arising nature.
If you’re attracted to the Crown Flower, you may be in the process of facing and liberating your fears so that you can expand into a more powerful version of yourself. Whether internally or externally provoked, you may be looking at the possibility of your worst nightmare (whether real, in appearance or a fear of the unknown), causing you to experience paranoia, worry and nervousness. You may dread or fear seeing what’s ugly a situation, the world or yourself.
Crown Flower essence helps us maintain equipoise when confronted with our ‘worst nightmare’. Rather than a false sense of stability, a calm neutrality pervades our existence. We become more adept at discerning true sources of danger vs. fear of the unknown, illusory appearances or what if’s. We’re able to face our fears with equanimity and even a curiosity.
We realize that the vast majority of what we perceive is merely that -- a perception -- and in most cases we realize that there was actually no threat all along. We ultimately become more able to remain in a state of spacious awareness even in face of death, our loved ones’ death or whatever represents our greatest nightmare at the time.
ACTIVATE: Unfolding
MESSAGE: Unfold your vision from within.
If you’re attracted to Eagle Fern (Pteridium aquilinum), you may have a vision of creating something that has never been done before or that you have never tried before. You may be wanting to create an experience either outside of or inside of yourself that is otherworldly and you may not know the precise steps of how to get there.
It can also be indicated when we feel like we need external resources or some other piece of information in order to bring our dreams or vision to fruition. We may worry that we don’t have the right set of skills, info or resources to accomplish our aims. We might get stuck believing that we need someone who knows it all better than we do or that we need external help. In this situation, one danger is that we make a move that’s out of alignment because we are rushing out of fear of the unknown.
We may also find ourselves going to the extremes of yang (overstimulation, overdrive, overworking, burning out) or yin (lack of passion and getting bogged down).
Eagle Fern helps us take things one step at a time, trusting in our inner resources. Instead of looking outside, we can trust our capacity to envision and feel our way into it from the inside out.
Just as ferns have spores and thus don’t need wind or pollinators to do the work of reproducing for them, Eagle Fern helps us know that the resources we need are all contained inside of us. In projects or life goals where we cannot see the final outcome, we trust in our ability to discover and reveal our vision bit by bit, piece by piece. As long as we are in the right energetic state of being, staying rooted in spaciousness and grounded in nourishment, we can continue to create what "feels" right (not based on emotions, feelings or selfishness—rather, it’s seeking out the proper energetic state of being that feels aligned). In this way we can continue to keep taking the next aligned step, without worrying about 10 steps ahead.
ACTIVATE: Trust in your environment
MESSAGE: The world is a friendly place.
Desert Milkweed (Asclepias subulata) enhances one’s capacity to accept yourself as you are and not worry so much about what others think. You can speak and act more freely, because there’s less fear of being misunderstood. If you say something and it is misunderstood (which happens!), you’re able to let it go faster instead of ruminating.
Desert Milkweed allows us to see the areas of our day-to-day lives or psyche where we have subtle fears around others' perception of what we do (and, in effect, who we are), whether it’s around judgement, making someone angry or where we may be blamed for any mishaps.
It also helps you look more easily at things that scare you, even parts of yourself. You can effortlessly make space for these aspects—not seeing them as solid or fixed and “who you are,” but rather as something that is constantly shifting over time. You can better understand the parts and pieces and different personalities that you have—instead of feeling like you have crazy or grotesque parts of you, you can make enough space to get perspective, see alllll the parts of you, and then realize that you are not your pieces and parts. You are the you that is seeing them.
In this way, Desert Milkweed facilitates your ability to be seen and seeing yourself as you are. It helps you see the areas where you don’t perceive a "welcoming" environment, and then shift your perspective so that you are welcome in your own body + thereby welcome in any environment anywhere.

ACTIVATE: Releasing
MESSAGE: Release the 'struggle.'
If you’re drawn to Century Agave, you may have the tendency to engage in emotional patterns of struggle.
Alternatively, you may have an excess of waste in the body and would benefit from a gentle detox to support your body in expelling and releasing toxins.
The stuff that sits in our gut is also related to our emotional and mental well-being. When we have excess waste in the body, it not only affects our physical health, but it affects the way we think. Ever heard of the saying that "your gut is your second brain"? By getting the gunk out, we’re freeing ourselves from being entrapped by any of our 'undigested feelings'—and it helps make our thoughts clearer too.
Century Agave eases tension so that your body systems can relax and feel more at ease. When you’re body is in constant struggle-mode, you hold on to things: stress, waste, toxins, energy, etc. Century Agave dissolves emotional patterns of struggle so that your body can expel what it no longer needs.
You may notice yourself using the bathroom more, or needing to rest or nap while using this elixir.
ACTIVATE: Self-healing
MESSAGE: It's time to thrive.
If you find yourself attracted to Self Heal, there is some part of you, either physically or of the heart that is longing to heal, by healing itself. Each of us has the capacity and resources to not only get to the root causes of physical imbalances and emotional patterning, but to gain the insights from them and shift from surviving—to thriving.
Self Heal dissolves any resistance to self-care, self-nourishment + self-healing. Sometimes we take on too much and getting sick is our body's way to slow down. Self Heal helps us understand the messages of our bodies, so that we don't push ourselves to the point of getting a sick, exhausted, burnt out or physically ill. It helps us notice more acutely the needs of the physical body, like eating when we're hungry, resting when we need a break, taking naps when we need sleep and stretching our muscles when we need it.
This flower elixir revitalizes us, recalibrates our energy and enhances our awareness of what's needed in the moment. On an emotional level, Self Heal gives us a sense of courage and heart. It enlivens us and sparks our desire to thrive. It magnifies our ability to recognize the conditions most conducive for operating at our fullest potential.

ACTIVATE: Stability
MESSAGE: You are supported.
If you’re drawn to Octopus Agave, you may feel like you don’t have enough support.
You may be going through a challenging period in your personal life that is preventing you from focusing on the big picture.
Octopus Agave magnifies inner stability and support so that we can focus on our bigger picture goal and making a positive impact on humanity. It infuses us with strength and discipline to move through our own personal challenges so that we can focus on more than just ourselves.
MESSAGE: Let it all hang out.
If you’re attracted to the Taiwanese Wild Lily, you may be repressing certain emotions. If big or intense emotions arise, your inner military general or bossy girl may clamp down on these emotions, leading to a propensity to get stuck. You may be holding on too tightly, which prevents your emotions from being processed and converted into energy. You may have felt verklempt and unable to let it out.
If this habit of repression is sustained over time, ultimately we break down. We begin to ride the edge of insanity and can end up lashing out or crumbling into grief.
Physically, this pattern of stagnant energy can manifest itself in the body as constipation or a clogged lymphatic system. It can also present as stiff or rigid joints, or tension in your muscles or fascia.
When we get too rigid, we break. When we hold on too tightly, things fall out of our control. Taiwanese Wild Lily (Crotalaria Pallida) helps us loosen up and let it all hang out. We’re able to release the tension around whatever emotions or challenging situations are arising.
We can be like a river that flows around the bends. We’re more able to roll with the punches, amplifying our resiliency. We can quiet down the military general/bossy girl and experience difficulties or intense emotions with more gentleness and fluidity.
Physically, this stimulates the waters of our body to lubricate our joints, intestines and muscles/fascia. Our bodies are more able to move with ease and gentleness. We sleep better and experience a more generous sense of daily well being.
These are two flower elixirs that we feel are so important, we put them in every formula we make! We infuse blend with Pink Lotus (wisdom + insights) and Yarrow (re-energize after being on cell phone/computer). Pink Lotus is also a "catalyst flower essence," strengthening and boosting the synergistic effects of every blend.
Full Moonlight while walking by a Night-Blooming Jasmine, intoxicated by star-like blossoms.
MAGNIFIES: Joy, laughter, euphoria, contentment, enjoying life more
DISSOLVES: Seriousness & feeling the weight of responsibilities
Love + flower petals,