Cultivate more joy, laughter and ease in everyday life.
Expect the best possible outcome.
Recognize your talents and life path.
What I love most about Joy Juice is that I feel the effects of it almost immediately: after using Joy Juice five times in one day, by the end of the day I am laughing more and making others laugh more. If you’re the type of person that tends toward seriousness and over-complicating when you’re stressed, Joy Juice brings back a natural state of childlike playfulness and joy.
During classes and meditations, it is with Joy Juice that everyone starts chattering and giggling. The volume of everyone’s voices go up in enjoyment, and it takes a minute to get back to whatever we were doing. It happens every time.
I love telling the story of when I was in Korea having lunch with several businessmen in suits. They’d just come from their offices and were serious and solemn. I put Joy Juice elixir into all of the green tea pots and within about fifteen minutes we were all laughing like little kids.
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the serious side of life that we forget how fun it is to be playful. Life is too short to be serious all the time. It’s fun to laugh at ourselves. Having a sense of humor lightens up everyone’s mood and breaks up the tension.
When was the last time you felt like you could really be yourself, belly laughing until your stomach muscles ached and feeling like a little kid at play? If it’s been a while, start using Joy Juice every hour and enjoy the effects.
Scroll for a download of the flowers in Joy Juice that inspire joy, laughter and play:

ACTIVATE: Playfulness
MESSAGE: Be silly!
If you find yourself feeling like you have a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders or that your to-do list is becoming heavy and burdensome, African Daisy (Osteospermum) dissolves tension and brings in more joy and delight. It dissolves our tendency to become overly serious and helps us be more child-like.
African Daisy also helps us recognize our own unique talents and clarify our life’s purpose. It helps us understand that joy is an important marker for creating the life we want to live. As a method for clarifying our life's path and purpose, if we move closer to what brings us joy, it often leads us to our special abilities, talents or potential.

ACTIVATE: Contentment
MESSAGE: Take charge!
Anyone who is particularly drawn to this flower over all others usually has a strong tendency to worry. The stomach is the seat of worry, which means that when we worry a lot, it can lead to digestion or stomach problems.
Birdsfoot Lotus (Lotus corniculatus) gets to the root cause of these issues, by dissolving worry and helping us experience more ease and a "happy belly." It helps us feel lighter and brighter! Instead of worrying or getting nervous, it helps us expect the best possible outcome.

ACTIVATE: Laughter
MESSAGE: Let your inner child play!
When you look closely at this flower, doesn’t it look like a flower power party? It has a celebratory feel to it. Dissolving old wounds of the heart, Pink Spirea (Spiraea douglasii) transforms any lingering sadness in our hearts into a sense of freedom. It dissolves worry, and helps us laugh more and allow our inner child to play.
Laughter and play are important for creativity, productivity and overall well-being. Laughter loosens up the body, releases endorphins and helps us relax + recharge. Laughter heals our hearts.

ACTIVATE: Simplicity
MESSAGE: Cheer up!
An amazing flower that smells like cocoa, Chocolate Daisy’s (magic is all about simplifying our lives. When we start over-complicating situations or getting stuck in all the options of life, Chocolate Daisy (Berlandiera lyrata) helps us cut through the confusion and clarify our decisions.
For any situation that feels messy, muddled or complicated, Chocolate Daisy amplifies cheerfulness, light-heartedness and ease. It helps us release doubts, apprehension and hesitation, freeing up more space for joy and simplicity. Streamlining life keeps our focus on what's essential.

In each of our blends, we also add one gemstone elixir! Each gemstone is carefully chosen to further enhance + magnify the effects of the flower alchemy. Red Garnet gemstone essence dissolves feeling stuck, stagnant or apathetic and magnifies cheerfulness, joyful strength, energy and motivation.

These are two flower elixirs that we feel are so important, we put them in every formula we make! We infuse blend with Pink Lotus (wisdom + insights) and Yarrow (re-energize after being on cell phone/computer). Pink Lotus is also a "catalyst flower essence," strengthening and boosting the synergistic effects of every blend.
We infused this formula with multiple citrus oils, which are the embodiment of joy! Joy Juice includes Sweet Orange, Jasmine, Citron, Coriander and Rosewood oils. The aroma of this blend feels young, uplifting and happy.

A favorite of mine, I use Joy Juice during meetings, when I meet people for the first time, at parties and celebrations and when I find myself getting a little too serious.
When I’m traveling, it’s a staple—helps me stay in a cheerful mood and have fun despite being in busy airports, waiting in lines and beings crammed into an airplane with lots of people.
Be prepared notice the effects of Joy Juice as little as one day!
- Group situations: Bringing people together that don’t know each other; at a little girls’ slumber party; in the classroom; during meetings at work
- Boost mood: You or the people around you are feeling grumpy or cranky; your sense of humor is waning; cheer up your family & friends
- First-time meetings: Awkward first moments of having coffee or lunch with someone you just met
- Moments of seriousness: You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and you have creases in between your eyebrows; you don’t remember the last time you had a belly laugh; on Mondays
- Photoshoots: Mist everyone to make them laugh & smile
- With children & pets: Playing with your kids or dogs feels like a chore; they get sad when you leave the house
- In difficult situations: Delivering difficult news; a loved one is moving away & you don't want to say goodbye; in the hospital; doing a cleanse or change of diet and feeling cranky
- Travel: On a family road trip; during long flights; while waiting in lines; when you feel grumpy or cranky

- In a classroom
- At a little girls’ slumber party
- On a family road trip
- During long flights
- On a camping trip
- While waiting in lines
- On Mondays Cheer up your kids, friends, family
- A loved one is moving away or difficult goodbyes
- When you have to deliver difficult news
- Bringing people together that don’t know each other
- In the hospital
- Your dogs get sad when you leave on trips
- On your feet before you go to sleep to wake up feeling JOY!

- You feel more bubbly and apt to laugh
- Life feels fun and playful
- It’s easy to connect with people you don’t know
- All decisions feel simple + easy
- You hear the birds singing
- Life is breezier and easier
- Mental spaciousness that elicits spontaneity and joy
- You can better recognize your talents and life’s path
- Your inner child feels like they have permission to play
- Feeling free yet supported
- "Happy belly"
- Expecting the best possible outcome

“Joy Juice is probably my favorite elixir to drop underneath my tongue. Usually when I take it, within 10 to 15 minutes I start to feel lighter, happier and more smiley in general. I think it’s great if you’re having a rough day or just need a little pick-me-up.” —Diana
“My absolute favorite blend right now is Joy Juice. Especially in Michigan winter—lack of sunshine, it’s cold, we’re not getting outside—I need a little more joy in my life. I try to use five drops, five times a day, and it makes all the difference. My four-year-old, he’s kind of addicted too. It makes him pretty happy!” —Jessica Clum
“My son Jonah will come to me when I’m getting hopped up because he’s not listening, and he’ll say, ‘Mama, have some Joy Juice,’ and it’s like, ‘Yes. Okay. I will!” And suddenly the whole thing is turned.” —Elena Brower
“I love LOTUSWEI flower essences. My daughter and I honor each other every morning with a flower essence ritual. My four-year-old Hanna sits on my bed facing me and we light a little candle on my windowsill. We sing a song about being a light shiner, because her intention for the day is to shine her light to others and not hide it or let anybody blow it out. Afterward, she blows out the candle, and I take the Joy Juice Aura Mist and spray it all over her. She closes her eyes and lets the mist fall and breathes deep. It makes us both feel so alive and she looks forward to this ritual every day.” —Dawn
Magnifies: Joy, laughter, euphoria, contentment, enjoying life more
Dissolves: Seriousness & feeling the weight of responsibilities
Love + flower petals,